January 21, 2025

Home based business Why you need a home-based  business and how to start?   Oh, yeah. You heard that right. I’m literally  inside a home and I have a home-based business   and I have businesses based in offices. But there  are so many benefits to a home-based business.

I’m going to tell you what they  are and how to start. Let’s go. I’m going to share with you my straightforward  no-fluff ways to start launch and grow a   home-based business. I’m going to share with you  5 hidden ways to make and keep more of the money   that you have from your home-based business.

And  last but not least, I’m going to share with you   my dirty little secret on how to make double what  most people make with their home-based business.   So, like I said, there are just so many benefits  to a home-based business and I have afforded all   of them and I’ve learned even more.

One of the  major things that you get with a home-based   business is you have a business that you can work  at from home. Meaning, you don’t have to drive to   an office, you don’t have to commute anywhere.

Additionally, you have lower overhead costs.   Obviously, you already live in your home or in  your apartment or wherever it is that you live   and now you can turn that place that you live into  a place of business and start making money there   without ever going outside of your home.

This will  give you additional tax write-offs that you could   never even imagine. Home-based businesses are  mentioned so many times in the tax code. and there   are so many write-offs that I don’t even know  all of it.

My accountant tells me about different   write-offs every single year and I start making  and keeping more of the money because we learn all   of these tax write-offs and all of the expenses  that can be written off because of the business.

So, let me give you just a few, because again, the  benefits are so many. When you have a home-based   business, you now can write off pretty much  everything in your life that you already do and   need.

For example, most of us have a cell phone,  right? Well, now, your cell phone is a business   write-off. And in fact, you can even put your cell  phone in your business’s name. And that way, it’s   an account for your business and even a tradeline  helping your business credit.

Additionally, you   can write off a portion of your home. If you have  a home that you own and you have a mortgage on it,   literally you can write off a portion of where  you work as an expense.

You get to write off   your meals, your travel, your car, depreciation,  advertising. There’s so many different write-offs   from a home-based business that are going to  allow you to keep so much more of the money   than you ever thought possible.

I used to work a  job. Many of you guys know I worked in corporate   America for nearly 20 years in mortgage banking.  I worked at Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase.   All these different banks.

And I always  had a home-based business on the side.   Now, not to the level that I have now because I’ve  taken my home-based business and taken it to the   next level. But one of the reasons why I was able  to transition out of working for someone else into   my own business was because I had a home-based  business.

So, let’s keep going because I want to   tell you how to do this. It’s mind-blowing.  So, it’s really easy to start a business,   a home-based business. You’re going to need  a few simple things.

I have made an entire   video that teaches you how to start a business  from scratch. I will make sure to put a link   here and in the description box so that you can  watch that entire video and that entire playlist.

But I’ll give you a quick summary. You’re going to  need a business license of some sort if you really   want to do this and get all of the write-offs  that Noelle is talking about. Now of course,   you do not have to do these things.

In fact, if  you have a business and you’re truly running it,   the tax code does not require you to do  all of this. But I am not a tax advisor,   I’m not an attorney, I’m just telling you what I  did and how I’ve been advised.

And what I do. So,   I got me an LLC. Now again, you can get an LLC,  limited liability company registration. You can   get an S Corp, you can get a C Corp but you want  to get your business registered with the state,   okay? The secretary of state.

You also want to  get an EIN number. Again, absolutely free from   irs.gov. Then you want to get a professional  email, a professional phone number and a   professional website. Super easy to get those  5 things.

And the reason why I’m telling you to   get those 5 things is because I’m gonna teach you  how to unlock business credit. And business credit   is what will take your business to the next level.  Just imagine if someone gave you right now in your   business’s name $100,000 and it’s not reporting  on your personal credit, what could you do in your   business? Could you buy more inventory? Could you  send more ads? Could you actually have a business?   Alright.

So, this is why you want to do these  things. If you get those five things you can start   unlocking business credit before you ever actually  have a physical location for your business. You   can even get what I call a virtual address so that  you have a real business address that is not your   home address.

I stress I had a home-based business  but I did not use my home address, okay? I did   not use my home address. I do not want people to  know where I live and come knocking on my door.   Again, a home-based business can have a virtual  address.

And again, this is how   I unlocked hundreds of thousands of dollars in  business credit and how I keep most of the money   that I make because I’m able to write off all of  my expenses and I have a great accountant that   helps me write off certain things and still  make a great amount of money in the process.

Another awesome thing as a bonus that you will  need to unlock a ton of business credit in   hundreds of thousands. Again, you can easily get  $100,000 between your business credit cards and   a couple of loans.

But I have millions of dollars  in business credit and the way that I did that is   making sure that I also have a business checking  account. I’m going to give you a link to a unique system to start a lucrative home based business here. They are a virtual bank that you can go  to and open up your business checking account   in less than 3 minutes.

Once you have 3 months  worth of business bank statements, I have lenders   that will lend 10-20 thousand dollars to  your business with no personal guarantee   and with bad credit. Again, having a business  and being a business is absolutely amazing.

I   wanna make sure that you know all of this because  this is truly how you’ll change your financial   situation. It’s definitely how I changed mine. So,  there you have it. Now, you know exactly why you   need a home-based business.

But make sure you go  to north one bank and get your business checking   account. Again, super important and so easy to  start getting funding in your business’s name   once you have three months worth of business  checking account statements.

Make sure you   check out this unique vehicle for starting a home based business.  I wanna make sure that you  have all of the resources, all of the tools,   and all of the knowledge that you need to be  successful.  To your success.

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